La Soupe is a 501(c) non-profit organization located in heart of Cincinnati, Ohio. They distribute meals to food-insecure families through their 81 “share” partner agencies. These include schools, community groups, pantries, and more.
Founder Suzy DeYoung took a leap of faith to sell her restaurant and catering business. Suzy had been experiencing burnout and realized what she really enjoyed about cooking was feeding people. Inspiration set in after she read a Facebook post from a teacher in need of meals for her students at the Oyler school. Suzy immediately made meals for the class, and their families and soon after changed her restaurant model. With a new vision, she officially launched La Soupe in 2014. Rescue – Transform – Share became her guiding mantra and mission for the future of La Soupe.
“Our small but mighty staff have put up with every twist and turn along the road, keeping their heads down and working through all the curve balls. We call ourselves the Island of Misfits…. but we are THE BEST team ever assembled and together we can do anything.”
— Suzy DeYoung, Executive Director and Founder
In the past year, Sims-lohman is one of many other corporate donors to help La Soupe become fully operational in their new 5,000 square foot space in Walnut Hills. We were recently able to tour their facility last week and checked out our donation of Homecrest Cabinetry and Quartz Countertops being put to great use!
If you are interested, please consider volunteering or donating for La Soupe’s continued success — your gift.